
3160918_Elements of Electrical Design-

Syllabus Mid-Semester Exam Syllabus MSE_result_3160918_March2024

In case of Bulk Power transfer, Electricity is still Holding the Position of Master Key in 21st Century. By Dr. K.A.Bhatt, Prof. (Dr.) K. P. Badgujar, Prof. (Dr.) M.C.Chudasama

  In case of Bulk Power transfer, Electricity is still Holding the Position of Master Key in 21 st  Century. By Dr. K.A.Bhatt, Prof. (Dr.) K. P. Badgujar, Prof. (Dr.) M.C.Chudasama   Nowadays, engineers around the globe are trying to find innovative ways to improve the efficiency, reliability, and performance of energy transfer between two points located far apart. Based on reported literature, it is to be noted that energy consumption of country indicates it growth rate. Since, inception of bulk energy transfer between two distanced places, electrical energy is considered as the one of the best options available compared to other forms of energy. In past, Gold and Land was considered to be pride of a society and countries. People were used to fight for maximum of it. Conversely, 20 th  century was dedicated to energy where coal, oil, and electricity were the major role players. Energy is still a major stack-holder in the race of supremacy. Considering present scenario, let us discuss

Footprints to Write a Research Paper By Dr. K. A. Bhatt, Assist. Prof., EED, LDCE Prof, (Dr.) J.R. Iyer, Professor, EED, LDCE.

  Footprints to Write a Research Paper By Dr. K. A. Bhatt , Assist. Prof., EED, LDCE Prof, (Dr.) J.R. Iyer, Professor, EED, LDCE.   Need:   “ Innovation and Research are the currency of 21 st  century” -Barak Obama, former, President, USA. Further, considering the current scenario and need of the hour, our Government has also taken multiple steps for development of the ecosystem for innovation and research such as: n  Established Student start up and Innovation policy n  Providing financial aids to start-ups and research proposals n  Implementation of “Made in India” concept. In order to improve Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and promote industrial development of the country, it is required to encourage research and innovation domains with good pace. However, research without publication stands no-where. Therefore, it is required to tag/mark the research with the name of researcher using hard bound structure, Further, it is also essential that it should be validated by competent authorit

Vision and Mission Statements of the Department of Electrical Engineering, LDCE

 VISION AND MISSION OF DEPARTMENT Department Vision To Foster Learning Environment for Electrical Engineering Education having High Technical Skills, Ethical Values and Overall Global Competence.     Department Mission   To provide high quality graduate program in Electrical Engineering to prepare students for 1.  Better Employability, Startups and Entrepreneurship. 2.  A professional career with essential technical and managerial skills. 3.  Collaboration with industries through research and innovation. 4.  Other avenues for higher education. 5.  Adapting to change in technology and apply the same for the benefits of society at large.

Power System Operation and Control

Syllabus State-estimation Study material: You tube lectures Load-forecasting Study material

Power Quality

 Syllabus Mid Sem Exam  Syllabus Paper- Lab. Manual