Vision and Mission Statements of the Department of Electrical Engineering, LDCE


Department Vision

To Foster Learning Environment for Electrical Engineering Education having High Technical Skills, Ethical Values and Overall Global Competence.


 Department Mission


To provide high quality graduate program in Electrical Engineering to prepare students for

1. Better Employability, Startups and Entrepreneurship.

2. A professional career with essential technical and managerial skills.

3. Collaboration with industries through research and innovation.

4. Other avenues for higher education.

5. Adapting to change in technology and apply the same for the benefits of society at large.


  1. Respected Dr. Kunal A Bhatt Sir

    In the case of Department Vision
    001. High Technical Skills,

    it is not completely even 50% possible in case of LDCE and/or any Engineering institute because of that achievement you have to apply the ITI methodology and syllabus pattern which is govern by Directorate of Employment & Training .

    002. Ethical Values and
    003. Overall Global Competence.


    1. 002. Ethical Values

      To maintain Ethical Values, every staff must be honest 100% and don't necessary to obey each and every nonsense orders of higher authorities. to set up the ethical values in students and/or stack holders, it is very essential to setup very first the ethical values in yourselves.
      also, its essential to remove students and staff (P to P) level dirty politics.
      003. Overall Global Competence

      Again same way, to setup Overall Global Competence, first the department have to be capable to give employment in the electrical technical domain 99% to the students who are admitted in LDCE, Ahemdabad.
      Also, based on relationship and so called Khushamatkhori the required staff selected by the pannel is also be the question marks on the dignity and reputation of such institute.
      So, to achieve this vision, Honesty and Transparency on the system must be essential. without that, this vision is a simple short sweet Dream nothing more than else.

  2. in the case of Departmental Mission

    in what duration the Institute achieve its vision and mission.


    03. Collaboration with industries through research and innovation.

    its good but, in case of fraud by the Collaboration of any firm, Institute and specially in Industry, what action will be taken by the LDCE and/or Government Authority in the behalf of students. So, kindly declare the strong and detailed policy in simple language behalf of students interest.
    because One case happen in Government Engineering College and the so called great award winner College TPO authority don't take even a single action...!!! anyway kindly declare the detailed policy against Industrial Fraud towards the students.


    1. 5. Adapting to change in technology and apply the same for the benefits of society at large.

      first of all change the ridiculous mindset of the staff as well as students to look the world and also have to be leave the slavery of nonsense standards, rules and foreign rituals.

      kindly solve the query and if my visions are not logical then kindly provide the counter arguments to prove your thoughts may be right.

      thank you

      Jay Hind
      Jay Bharat


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