In case of Bulk Power transfer, Electricity is still Holding the Position of Master Key in 21st Century. By Dr. K.A.Bhatt, Prof. (Dr.) K. P. Badgujar, Prof. (Dr.) M.C.Chudasama
In case of Bulk Power transfer, Electricity is still Holding the Position of Master Key in 21 st Century. By Dr. K.A.Bhatt, Prof. (Dr.) K. P. Badgujar, Prof. (Dr.) M.C.Chudasama Nowadays, engineers around the globe are trying to find innovative ways to improve the efficiency, reliability, and performance of energy transfer between two points located far apart. Based on reported literature, it is to be noted that energy consumption of country indicates it growth rate. Since, inception of bulk energy transfer between two distanced places, electrical energy is considered as the one of the best options available compared to other forms of energy. In past, Gold and Land was considered to be pride of a society and countries. People were used to fight for maximum of it. Conversely, 20 th century was dedicated to energy where coal, oil, and electricity were the major role players. Energy is still a major stack-holder in the race of supremacy. Considering present scenar...